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It’s Ramadan and many of our brothers and sisters are fasting this period. I grew up in the north and have muslim cousins, around this period I spent most of my days with them, of course I didn’t fast but I enjoyed the breaking fast meal with them 😀 . Kwasai (akara) and koko (spicy pap) , kunun g’eda, waina…just remembering makes me want to go visit them! Lol! I decided to share today’s recipe in honor of that, I hope you enjoy it.

Most of the ingredients used for this pudding are mainly northern.  The rice used is a popular local rice in the northern part of the country called tuwon rice because it’s used to make tuwon shinkafa. It cooks faster than regular rice and gets very soft which is perfect for the groundnut pudding and also for tuwon shinkafa which is to a northerner the way akpu (fufu) is to an easterner and amala to a westerner.


This rice however can be bought in Oyingbo along with tsamiya (tamarind) which adds a bit of acidity to the pudding. Though I have never tried it but lemon will probably be a good substitute.



Now let’s see how it’s made.

Ingredients : ( serves 4 )

1 cup fresh groundnuts

1/2 cup tuwon rice – Oyingbo

1/2 cup tamarind

4 cups water (1litre)

1 cup sugar

1/2 whole cloves *optional

Method :

Soak the tamarindnin hot water for about 30 minutes, set aside.

Roast the groundnuts lightly in a dry pan for about 5 minutes.


Grind it in a dry mill to make it easier to blend.


Pour 2 cups (500ml) water and blend the groundnut until smooth. Strain with a seive until all the milk is drained, save the chaff for use in a smoothie or a tea loaf.


Groundnut chaff

Groundnut chaff

Put the groundnut milk on fire, add the cloves, once it boils add the rice and keep an eye on it and keep stirring so it doesn’t spill out of the pot. Add the last cup of water and keep boiling.


Seive the tamarind using little water to get all the pulp out, add the pulp to the boiling pudding.



Once rice is cooked and very soft, remove the cloves and turn off heat.


Allow to cool for 10 minutes then add sugar and stir.

Enjoy hot or cold.





Happy Ramadan season.

Azu 🙂 .